With over 7,000 systems installed worldwide, TIMS MVP is the gold standard for recording modified barium swallow studies.

  • Validated for use with all fluoroscopes

  • Mobile cart or stationary configurations

  • Archive to any PACS or VNA

  • Captures at 30 fps - required for MBS studies

  • Includes synchronized audio

  • Max resolution for best diagnostic image quality

  • Optimizes study size for efficient storage on PACS/VNA

  • FDA-cleared medical device

“Accurate diagnosis of dysphagia requires high resolution video imaging during MBS studies. The TIMS Medical Video Platform equipment makes it easy for us to observe swallow studies in real-time and precisely (and quickly!) analyze offline.”

Kendrea L. (Focht) Garand, PhD, CScD, CCC-SLP, BCS-S

TIMS MVP provides easy, instant access to MBS imagery along with a comprehensive suite of tools in an elegant, easy to use interface.

Learn more about TIMS Review →

“Both frame-by-frame and continuous visualization of videofluoroscopic swallowing studies is critical for thorough analysis of swallowing physiology and identification of anatomic anomalies. TIMS MVP software allows for this – and so much more – and is a mainstay at our clinic!”

Jessica Gregor, MS, CCC-SLP, BCS-S

Reimagine your workflow with TIMS Review

The TIMS system allows recorded studies to be sent to a TIMS Review station in the SLP’s office. This frees up busy procedure rooms and allows SLPs the time to properly analyze the evaluation, create an individualized care plan, and complete the report.

With a myriad of analysis methods and measurement tools that feed directly into customizable reports, studies are completed accurately in a fraction of the time.


  • During recording, Protocol Mode allows for labelling series as they are being recorded, following your own predefined bolus protocol.
    The Reporting mechanism auto-populates your custom template with information from the study, including snapshots, annotations, scorecards and notes, making the report an integral part of the process, rather than a laborious separate task.

  • TIMS allows clinicians to measure bolus percentages, anatomical aspects, and timing and duration of events. Clinicians and researchers are using TIMS to conduct bolus clearance ratio (BCR), provide information about hyoid movement, measure anatomical changes over time, and more.

  • The intuitive viewing controls make it easier to find any swallowing events. All common scoring protocols are included in the scorecard mechanism guiding the slp to an accurate analysis.

MBS Resources

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